Thursday, June 7, 2007

Wednesday June 6th

This is turning out to be a kiss-and-tell dating blog. Definitely unintented. To restore some balance, I should mention that I baked carrot cake on Monday night and gave it to the guy who lives across the hallway from me. Yeay, one new friend..erm let's not count chickens before they hatch..acquaintance...erm..neighbor.


I went on a date last night. My first planned date in NY. I'd met him on Sat at Hudson River Park. Right before I hit the park, I'd been deliberating with my Gay Best Friend ("GBF") if I should make the journey uptown to Central Park or just head west towards Hudson River Park. One key consideration had been the likelihood of meeting cute straight men. The decision had been made to go uptown, but since the NY subway system decided to throw its usual weekend tantrum again. Well, at least the sunset from the West Side would be beautiful.

I woke from my sun-induced lazy dozing to find a Keanu Reeves lookalike positioned in my field of vision. Oh and he was reading a real book! Which definitely upped the attraction factor, not that he needed it with his Keanu Reeves looks. Behind our respectives shades, I think we were casting sideway glances at each other. And wait, was that a smile I glimpsed? Some time passed and I wondered if he would come over to say hello. In the end, I had friends coming over to my place for dinner and I had to go. So I packed up and stopped by to say hi. Up close, he still looked like Keanu Reeves.

We'd arranged to meet around East Village. We walked around a bit and finally settled on Anyway Cafe. Keanu Reeves turned out to be a post-doc in film studies. He was also a little shorter than I'd expected him to be, but then how can you tell when someone is lying on the grass? A native New Yorker, but had gone to grad school on the West Coast and was probably headed back there soon.

Conversation flowed with a few slightly awkward pauses. We talked a lot about film, surprise surprise. About two and half hours and two shots of honey-ginger-infused vodka later, I knew it was time to take myself home. It hadn't been a bad date, but I knew I wasn't that into him, as cute as he was. So I made up some excuse about having to be home to let a visiting friend in.

Would I go on a second date with him? Yes because he proved to be a pretty good kisser. :)


On other matters.

"I had a great time last night. :) Looking forward to see you on Thursday."

It's 1pm on Thursday and still no sign that we are actually going to meet this evening. And I certainly can't make the first move to text him to ask what the plan for tonight is. That would break the NY Dating Rules wouldn't it?

Argh. Frenchie, I was even starting to get quite fond of you.

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